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This is a 21 day challenge to see the prosperity of the Lord released into your life. For 21 days I want you to speak forth the affirmations in this video each morning right when you wake up. Speak...
Too many people are focused on other people and trying to tear them down to make themselves feel better about their own mediocrity. Success is not found in endless critiques and arguments about other people and their wealth (or...
Many will not even read books that may have some minor things they disagree with. They are robbing themselves of many skills including discernment and the knowledge they could have gained from knowing an opposing point of view.
Self-confidence is not the same thing as arrogance. Arrogance compares self with others, but self-confidence compares self with self. Music Credit: "Relaxing Piano Music" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Too many are paralyzed by fear of the unknown if they should happen to take a risk. Fears about finance, housing, transportation, food, and other things are often used as excuses for doing nothing. The thing that should be...