Time Management

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Many people spend hours a day watching, talking about, reading about, and otherwise being involved with the entertainment of sports. Think of the dramatic change one could experience in their lives if they were not spending this time each...
Have you ever said that you are wasting time or killing time? Is your life lived to only get to time you do not have to work and then waste it? Do you value life if you spend time...
Many people start their days with failure and then wonder why the day does not get any better from there. We have so much to be thankful for and should start our day with success.
"Work smarter, not harder." -Lazy person's motivational saying The first time I heard this saying something about it bothered me. When I pondered it the reason why it bothered me became readily apparent. This saying is often an excuse for laziness...
"Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion" -Parkinson's Law, from Parkinson's Law, and Other Studies in Administration Essentially this "law" is saying that all the time you allot to a task will be used in the...